Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wearing the Weather

There's a reason why I live in Florida. Three things have a huge impact on my mood: 1)the amount of sleep/coffee I've had 2)how hungry I am 3)the weather. Number 3 has been bumming me out lately! Come on, Florida. We are going on several days of dreary mornings, humid, cloudy afternoons, and rainy evenings. The only bright side to not seeing the sun today is that the weather cooled down enough to wear boots and a blazer! I actually shivered once when we were outside this evening. One shiver is better than none.

I'm also noticing that my clothes seem to trend with the weather. Clouds and rain? Moody shades of blue for me. Clouds are in the forecast all week, so I'll need extra of the other two things that make me happy. Please send coffee and food.

[blazer: LOFT similar here/top: LOFT similar here/denim: Forever21/boots: Target similar style]

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