Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Flowers, Flowers Everywhere

Happy Wednesday, people!
I'm having a serious case of writer's block today. I've been trying to cut back on caffeine lately, and I think it's killing me. This is the time of year when our school is in full testing mode, kids are sick of being there, teachers are sick of being there, and my coffee consumption hits an all-time high. So to avoid drinking five cups of coffee a day, I'm trying to cut back to two. And that's why I have nothing to say.
In fact, these pictures barely happened. I hit a wall around 2 o'clock yesterday and became so tired that I took an hour nap after work. When I woke up, I just HAD to drink some tea or something. I really am addicted. It's a problem. Thankfully a cup of black tea had just enough caffeine to snap me out of my funk. I was able to get dressed again and smile for some pictures.
The outfit you see above is a mix of pieces I've had for awhile, but hadn't put together before. The pants are from Jcrew outlet, the top is Lauren Conrad for Kohls, and the shoes are Franco Sarto from TJ Maxx.

Side note: have you guys heard of a capsule wardrobe? I had never heard of it until a couple of days ago. Basically you pick out a selection of basic pieces that can be remixed for an entire season, and that's all you wear. It's supposed to be simpler because you have fewer items to choose from, and therefore become more creative in how you wear your items. I really like this idea, but I'm also not sure that I have enough high quality basics to make it work. What do you guys think?

Shopping My Closet

Check out this blog link-up as well! Good stuff.


  1. These pants are so stinkin cute!! And I'm loving the toe nail polish too :)


    1. Thank you, Shauna! I love bright colors on my toe nails :)

  2. I absolutely LOVE those shoes, especially with this outfit! I'll have to check out tj maxx!

    Penn&Quill || Robin

    1. Thank you! They are so comfortable too. Tjmaxx is the best! Let me know if you find anything good! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I love mixing bright colors with something more neutral. :)
