Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Flowers, Flowers Everywhere

Happy Wednesday, people!
I'm having a serious case of writer's block today. I've been trying to cut back on caffeine lately, and I think it's killing me. This is the time of year when our school is in full testing mode, kids are sick of being there, teachers are sick of being there, and my coffee consumption hits an all-time high. So to avoid drinking five cups of coffee a day, I'm trying to cut back to two. And that's why I have nothing to say.
In fact, these pictures barely happened. I hit a wall around 2 o'clock yesterday and became so tired that I took an hour nap after work. When I woke up, I just HAD to drink some tea or something. I really am addicted. It's a problem. Thankfully a cup of black tea had just enough caffeine to snap me out of my funk. I was able to get dressed again and smile for some pictures.
The outfit you see above is a mix of pieces I've had for awhile, but hadn't put together before. The pants are from Jcrew outlet, the top is Lauren Conrad for Kohls, and the shoes are Franco Sarto from TJ Maxx.

Side note: have you guys heard of a capsule wardrobe? I had never heard of it until a couple of days ago. Basically you pick out a selection of basic pieces that can be remixed for an entire season, and that's all you wear. It's supposed to be simpler because you have fewer items to choose from, and therefore become more creative in how you wear your items. I really like this idea, but I'm also not sure that I have enough high quality basics to make it work. What do you guys think?

Shopping My Closet

Check out this blog link-up as well! Good stuff.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Shoesday Tuesday

Top Row: 1 / 2 / 3
In the Middle: 4 / 5 / 6
Bottom: 7 / 8 / 9

I've been feeling under the weather lately and last night was stormy, so pictures simply didn't happen. Instead, I thought it would be fun to show you some of the shoes I've been drooling over lately. If you click through, you'll notice that some of these pairs are on sale, making them even more delightful. I'm an 8.5 if anyone is feeling generous. Never hurts to share your shoe size, right? Enjoy!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

100% Humidity with a Chance of Style

You know that meme that says "I need another day between Saturday and Sunday"? That was this weekend. It began on Friday night when I was baking, dropped a mixing bowl on the counter, and had shards of glass go into my hands and arms. I'll live, I just have all these little cuts like I punched through a window or something equally edgy as that.
Then Saturday came, along with a mind-splitting headache from all the humidity. Speaking of which, you can see it in the pictures! See my hair? That's humidity. It was actually very neat and frizz-free just moments before. This outfit came together today because I really wanted to wear these pants. From a distance they look white, but up close they have a fun light blue print. This citron top and the denim vest seemed to go with it as a Sunday afternoon look. These items are from previous seasons, but the pants are LOFT, and the top is Target. The vest is also from Target and was bought recently enough that you can probably find it if you look. Follow this link to see how I styled it before!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Check out this Link-up! This outfit is also in the link-up on Sydney's blog. Go visit her! :)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Blazer Meets Romper

I'm very late on the post today, but for good reason. Last night, when we took these photos, we were out of town visiting my mom and grandparents. We didn't make it home until very late so I decided to go to sleep instead of editing photos. Then I had to go to work where I teach children important things. Pretty good excuse, right?
This romper is from Loft a couple seasons ago, but it has yet to go out of season in my wardrobe. In winter it goes with fun tights, in fall a nice jacket and boots, in summer I pair it with sandals, and in spring I add a bright blazer and some chunky heels (see above). This particular blazer was thrifted for about $6. *happy dance*
I'm a fairly tall girl, 5'7, which is not freak status by any means. However, when you add a good five inch heel, I'm TALL. When I bought these heels I was single and, I'm embarrassed to say, not a fan of heels because they made me taller than a lot of guys. I'm happy to announce that Dan is 6'4 so I can pretty much wear whatever shoes I want and he's still taller than I am. Tall husband for the win! Now I love these shoes and I wish I could go yell at my 20 year old self to embrace the tall and wear the shoes.

So if you're tall and 20, here's a word: buy the heels you want and wear the heels you want.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

It Started with a Question

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This outfit began with a question: I wonder what would happen if I put my highlighter skirt with my new favorite shirt? The answer is that they'd be best friends forever. This outfit takes a bright "look at me" skirt and tells it to calm down a bit. If I could live in this shirt, I would. It's so comfortable! I really like this outfit because it looks like I tried a little. I need that balance sometimes so that my "I woke up like this" hair and lack of make-up don't cause my students to tell me how tired I look. Does this outfit look like something a tired person would wear? Didn't think so.

This outfit is made of pieces I've worn before here and here. Follow those links to shop the look!

As you may have noticed, I'm not a model and Dan isn't a professional photographer, but we've been trying to learn more. Today I did a bit of research on how to take backlit photos and how to edit fashion photography to make clothes pop. This article was incredibly helpful, so instead of our normal "let me face the sun and try to smile instead of squint" look, we tried to take photos into the sun, but with the sun hidden by trees. Then I downloaded Picasa so that I can edit the raw images we take before converting them to a JPG. I would absolutely love your feedback and tips if you have an interest in photography.

Mix & Match Fashion

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"On Point"

That's right people, you see correctly, the sun is back out! I'm so glad too because rainy, icky weather bums me out. This outfit came together in a hurry this morning when I knew I wanted to wear this necklace, but wasn't sure what else to put with it. After about five different blouses, I landed on this one because I like a fun polka dot print with a statement necklace.
Why not, right?

I think it would be an interesting experiment to name each post with something a student said to me that day. Today's title came about like this:
Me: Hello [student's name], how are you today?
Student: Hey! Your outfit on point!

[blouse: LOFT/necklace: LOFT/skirt: Target/purse: Kate Spade]

Shopping My Closet

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wearing the Weather

There's a reason why I live in Florida. Three things have a huge impact on my mood: 1)the amount of sleep/coffee I've had 2)how hungry I am 3)the weather. Number 3 has been bumming me out lately! Come on, Florida. We are going on several days of dreary mornings, humid, cloudy afternoons, and rainy evenings. The only bright side to not seeing the sun today is that the weather cooled down enough to wear boots and a blazer! I actually shivered once when we were outside this evening. One shiver is better than none.

I'm also noticing that my clothes seem to trend with the weather. Clouds and rain? Moody shades of blue for me. Clouds are in the forecast all week, so I'll need extra of the other two things that make me happy. Please send coffee and food.

[blazer: LOFT similar here/top: LOFT similar here/denim: Forever21/boots: Target similar style]