Thursday, August 6, 2015

Teacher Friendly Lunches

With school quickly approaching, one things stands out to me almost as much as having to wake up to an alarm every morning: I'll have to start packing lunches again. As I'm sure many other teachers can testify, when lunch goes unplanned and unpacked the night before, we end up going to school empty handed which leaves either cafeteria food (ew!) or fast food as the viable options. Knowing this, I've already started my search for meals that can be made ahead of time, are at least semi-healthy, have a nice protein to carb ratio, and are tasty. One of my absolute favorites has been Lemon and Chicken Orzo. This dish starts with an orzo base, adding chicken, cucumbers, green olives, and sun dried tomatoes, and then gets topped with a lemon dill dressing. Is your mouth watering yet? For a recipe to a be a success in my book, it has to be easy to make in huge batches. My husband is not a light eater (he lifts, I'm not complaining), so we've been known to go through a "serves 4" recipe in one sitting. When I double this recipe, we have enough for a large dinner and two lunches a piece.

Some of my other favorite meals include Pad Thai, Lo Mein, and Peanut Soba Noodles. I know you sense a theme, and yes, I love pasta. What are your favorite lunches to pack?


  1. This looks delicious! Definitely trying this out during the school year. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Let me know what you think! I hope you love it! :)

  2. All of these recipes look great! I generally don't like using microwaves, so I'm always looking for cold lunch ideas for school. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Those lunches sounds great! I'll have to try the lemon orzo! I love salads for lunch, partly because they're so easy and healthy, and partly because I love talking to my kiddos about healthy food and its always good to be honest about what you eat! I love chopping cucumbers, carrots, and onions, soaking them in lime juice, and topping it with salt, pepper, and mint leaves. Its so refreshing and great for hot weather!


  4. I have been nodding in total agreement with you about issue of planning for and making lunches for school! Thanks for the recipe - I'll be trying it out next week!
