Monday, August 10, 2015

Hipster Bulldog

I love clothes and getting dressed up, but there's still something comforting about a good old T-shirt and jeans. With heels, of course. And a red lip for good measure. When I was in college, my friends and I used to go to a local pet store to hold puppies. If you've never done this before, I highly recommend it as a good alternative to ice cream on a bad day. As soon as we'd walk in the door (after washing our hands, of course) I'd head straight for the English Bulldog pen. The baby Bulldogs would be about eight pounds of solid, wrinkly goodness and they would nuzzle my neck and then fall asleep in my arms. Because of those memories, I will always have a soft spot for bulldogs. That's why, when I saw this shirt, I had to have it! And as though Bulldogs weren't cute enough, this one has glasses, likes to read Salinger short stories, and sip herbal tea. Definitely man's best friend.


  1. Aww, cute college story! I wish my university had a pet store nearby! Also, those jeans look great on you!

  2. I love the tee! I don't know if I could rock a tee, jeans, and heels. I always love the look though!
