Monday, July 13, 2015

Sappy Monday

I'm going to get a little sappy with you today. <---See that? That was fair warning. If you're not up for sap, I'd recommend going to my favorite blogs tab and checking one of them out today haha. Still with me? Here we go.

When I wanted to start a blog, I got some mixed responses from people in my life. Some people seemed confused (what is a style blog anyways?), others simply disinterested, and some extremely supportive and excited for me. All I wanted from those people is for them to read or at least like a post once in awhile. But there's one person in my life who I've asked a lot from. One person who has to follow me out into whatever weather, whatever location, and take pictures of me. You know who I mean: my husband Dan. From the start, Dan has been so encouraging and has never complained about what I've asked him to do. Even when I'm stressed out and starting to panic that we won't get any good photos and I'll be post-less, Dan calms me down and convinces me it will be okay. Every time I'm smiling in these pictures, I'm not thinking, "I look awesome and this outfit is the best" I'm thinking "I can't believe this guy married me!" He makes me shine. He gives me the confidence to get in front of the camera even when I don't feel like it. I am so thankful for my husband! He is my best friend and I wouldn't be who I am without him as a blogger or a person.


  1. Love this! You guys are the best couple ever! ������

  2. That is so sweet! I really wish I could get my fiance on board with taking outfit pictures for me once in a while.

  3. So sweet! He takes great pics! :)

  4. Aww what a sweet hubby and outfit post. Loving the snappiness :)
