Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Oh, hey there 25

I was doing okay until my husband said, "okay, you write about turning a quarter of a century and I'll go clean the kitchen." I know what you're thinking. "he's cleaning the kitchen!! That's great!!!" And I agree...but a quarter of a century? Was that necessary?!? He did make me breakfast though, so I think I can let it slide. And it's true; today I am 25. I've decided that since I can't do much anything about it, I'll accept my new age with the poise of Grace Kelly. Now I want to go watch High Society which will no doubt lead to Philadelphia because I love Kathryn Hepburn too. Well, my birthday is officially planned so let's talk about this outfit.

This little white dress was a dream come true last year when I was frantically searching for something to wear to my bridal shower. I knew what I wanted, but all I could find was all-over lace with cheap elastic cinching around the waist. I was about to give up when I stumbled into Charming Charlies, a place I thought was only for accessories, and found this dress. It was affordable too; I'm talking under $30. A few weeks ago, I saw a picture of Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere in the same dress, except hers is linked to a dress on Shopbop for over $200. But seriously, go look at it and tell me it's not exactly the same haha. It was a perfect dress for my bridal shower and is a perfect dress today. I think it's because of the occasion, but I always feel a little too bridal wearing just the dress, so today I decided to floral it up a bit with this blazer. Now instead of bridal, I think the look says birthday!


  1. This dress is so cute! Wish I could find one! Also, you look great!

    1. Thank you! Have you checked Nordstrom? They have hundreds of little white dresses :)

  2. I love the dress and the floral blazer! I'm having such a hard time finding a white dress that I like for my rehearsal dinner!

    1. Thank you! :) If I were you, I'd check Nordstrom. Online they have TONS of little white dresses. :) The Cupcakes and Cashmere line has a lacy white dress too.

  3. That dress looks great. I never look for clothes at Charming Charlie's. I'll have to start.

    1. Thanks! haha me neither! It was a total fluke that I found this dress, but now we know. :)
