Friday, May 22, 2015

White on White

You know those trends that you see online and think, "come on, no one is actually going to wear that"? White on white was one of those trends for me. Here's why.
1) white gets dirty
2) I'm already married
3) white gets dirty
So when I bought this abbreviated top from Loft (didn't see that one coming, right?) I was surprised when I put it on with my white denim skirt and liked it! The denim skirt naturally sits a little high on me, which is perfect for a shorter top. I questioned my instincts for awhile. Was I really about to wear this? I decided to go with it, but to mix in some color. The zippered pouch is from Target from at least a year ago, but it has a tassel which is totally in this season, so it was ahead of its time. The necklace was then a simple choice because it has the same blues and greens. Man accessories are easy.
Dan and I both thought of this colorful wall for the shoot, so it was meant to be. To me, these pictures look like my top and skirt are part of a drawing that isn't colored in yet. Fun!
So as we are all aware, this weekend is Memorial Day Weekend. I'm not sure if I want to take this post to a happy place or sad place, so I'll just do both. You can pick what you want to read!

Happy: I'm chaperoning a field trip tomorrow for a program we run at our school. I'm so excited to spend time with my teacher friends and get to know some of the great younger students I'll have in my Honor's class next year.

Sad: This weekend, Sunday to be exact, is the 9 year anniversary of my Dad's death. No matter how long ago it is, the pain is fresh every single year.

So whether this weekend is just a three-day weekend for you, or if you have someone you've lost who you honor on Memorial Day, I hope you have a good weekend full of the peace that only God can give.


  1. I love this outfit and I love these photos- way to up your game!


    1. Thank you, Kate! I'm always trying to get better at what I do, so hopefully I'll keep taking steps in this direction! :)

  2. You look nothing short of gorgeous! I love white on white on you. I am also one of those that don't think can pull off white on white. I always manage to spill something on my clothes :( Ugh!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

    1. Thank you, Abby! If I can do it, so can you! I'm happy to report I haven't spilled anything on those pieces yet lol.

  3. I agree on the white-on-white! I love your reasons you wouldn't wear it, hilarious! But I do think it always looks amazing on everyone else (your outfit included!) and I just don't think I could pull it off!

    1. Thank you! I'm sure you can pull it off, just ease yourself into it. Or mix in colorful accessories if you're afraid it's too bland. I'm not kidding about the "gets dirty" part though. I may or may not have a barbeque sauce stain on what I wore yesterday. I think I should a sponsorship from Tide-to-Go!
      Thank you for reading :)
